Thursday, September 30, 2010

LaSalle Co. Nursing Home Cited By State

The LaSalle County Nursing Home has been cited by the State of Illinois' Department of Public Health (IDPH)for violating the rules and regulations for nursing homes. In the most serious of the violations, the IDPH found that a Registered Nurse (R.N.) failed to promptly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a resident and instead left the resident and went to get assistance. The resident died as a result of failing to receive help. The nurse had only been licensed for two year and the incident occurred at the end of 24-hour shift for the nurse. The nursing home was also found to have allowed its staff to verbally abuse residents and in another instance gave a resident food the resident was known to be allergic to and given anyways.

In the third case, a registered nurse did not promptly perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a resident July 17, instead leaving the resident and going to get help. The resident died and the nurse was fired. The nurse had been a nurse two years and the incident happened at the end of a 24-hour shift for her, according to an IDPH document. The nursing home will almost assuredly claim that these are "isolated" incidents. But based on the IDPH report, these incidents are probably not isolated and could show a pattern of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect. The Nursing Home, and each and everyone of its employees, has the duty to do everything possible to provide the highest level of care to their residents. A nursing home's goal should be for their residents to receive a high level of care so that there lives are as best they can be from a medical, psychological and even social standpoint. Merely "maintaining" a resident's condition is not the standard by which a nursing home is judged.

If you have any questions regarding this post or an issue involving Illinois Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect, please contact Attorney Mike Keating at 312-208-7702 or All initial consultations are confidential and free.

LA SALLE COUNTY NURSING HOME: State finds faults - My Web Times