Wednesday, August 4, 2010

State Fines Collinsville Rehabilitation & Health Care Center

The Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has fined the Collinsville Rehabilitation & Health Care Center $25,000.00 for incidents related to the abuse and neglect of a patient. According to reports on January 6 a resident entered a female residents room and lifted up her skirt. The man left after the female resident screamed.

The nursing home failed to report the incident to the IDPH. More significantly, the nursing home failed to do an appropriate background check on the man when he was admitted to the home. Nursing homes' top priorities are the safety and well being of their residents. Nursing homes need to do everything they can to protect and support residents, and when they fail they are to be accountable and report their failures. If you have any questions regarding these legal issues please contact Mike Keating at 312-208-7702 or

You can read a news report of the incident here: Suburban Journals | News | State fines Collinsville nursing home